How Home Ownership Can Solve Two of Millennials Top Priorities
I just read an article based on millennials and the real estate market. I read it because I am a millennial and I love to help first time home buyers.
Some key takeaways that you may find interesting are below.
Millennials have 3 top priorities that have reversed. Below are today's order of significance.
1. Save money 2. Buy a home 3. Get married.
Those priorities used to be arranged like this:
1. Get married 2. Buy a home 3. Save money
On a personal note, I have followed the reversed (most current) order, so, 1. Saved Money 2. Bought a home...
Self-made millionaire David Bach has been quoted as saying “Buying a home is the escalator to wealth in America.” You probably guessed where I am going with this after reading that...buying a home is the catalyst to saving money!
In short, in order to create wealth for yourself and save a house! Purchasing a home is way more affordable than you think. Are you curious to know if you can afford a home yet? All you have to do is talk to a lender and I know some awesome ones. Email or call me and I will get you in touch with one and then we can go from there.
To close, buy a house to create wealth. You are essentially paying yourself when you pay your mortgage rather than paying a landlord and never seeing that money again. My mortgage payment is cheaper than rent and one day I will sell my house and make money helping to create wealth. Ask me how I did it, and I am happy to share with you my personal story of buying my house at age 23.